Themes & Extensions

Here at Brick Hill we love to embrace creativity, and for this blog post, I’d like to showcase the creativity of both our staff and users in their third-party Chrome and Firefox extensions that not only change the look of the site, add a different layer of functionality and community. Let the following three extensions and two themes serve as inspiration for anybody looking to practice their programming skills, it can be as simple as an extension that removes the delete button off of item pages in order to stop you from accidentally deleting a special (said extension was popular in 2017).

Brick Hill Trade

Website and Chrome extension

Created by our three-time staff member Executive, Brick Hill Trade (BHT for ease of typing) has succeeded in adding an immense amount of depth to the trading scene on Brick Hill, with several users dedicated to estimating the value of all of Brick Hill’s special items whilst also encouraging people to trade and climb the rich list. With the features listed below you’ll wonder why you don’t already have the extension enabled, so be sure to join the 200 users who are already making good use of BHT!

  • Around 300 linked users and counting!
  • Item notifier via the official Discord server and browser push notifications.
  • Rich list and scammers database.
  • Trade simulator.
  • Built in functionality with Brick Hill with serial to user tracking.
  • Extensive market statistics.
  • Snipe viewer to see items being sold below their estimated value.
  • Ability to mark your items as ‘not-for-trade’.
  • Reputation system for rating fellow traders.
  • Graphs tracking the value of your inventory.

Dragonian’s Unlimited Avatar Colours

Chrome and Firefox extension

Frequently updated by Dragonian is his latest extension which allows for improved avatar customisation by allowing users to use a colour picker in order to change the colour of their avatars, which some users have used to return to the bright colours as seen in Brick Hill’s earlier days. It’s simple to use and your groovy new avatars can be seen by those who don’t have the extension.

  • Uses Tampermonkey on Chrome, or GreaseMonkey on Firefox.
  • Includes a manual hex code input for choosing specific colours.
  • Includes a colour picker for less precise colour choice.

Tech’s 3D Viewer

Due to the recent upgrade to the new site it's no longer available, but Tech’s 3D viewer allowed its users to not only view their avatars in an interactive 3D viewer, but also to inspect any item in the shop. It even allowed users to try items from the shop directly onto their avatar to see if the new item could make for a cool new outfit!

Prevent’s Dark Theme

Stylish extension.

Just in time for the new site, Prevent provided us with a simple dark theme to help our eyes in the dark. Extremely simple, but really effective.

Tech’s Classic Theme

Although not yet out, it’s nearing completion (I spot a few issues below!), much to the delight of those who missed the simpler and colour colourful classic site as seen from 2016-2018. Tech has recreated it almost seamlessly keeping the site pure and simple, just like old times!

As mentioned in the introductory paragraph, the creativity and resourcefulness seen in the above five creations is what the staff at Brick Hill love to see not only in our users, but individuals who are looking to become a part of the Brick Hill team. The help we have received from users has helped us to develop the site into what it has become now, and many of these helpers have gone on to become members of our staff team, past or present, or even client/site beta testers! If you want to make a difference, learn something new today! You’ll be kicking yourself a year on from now from all of the opportunities and people you will interact through trying new things you’ll have missed. Thanks for reading!