Snowman Building Contest Winners

A blog post announcing the winners of Brick Hill's 2022 Snowman Buidling Contest, it's submissions were open from December 14th to January 7th!

Snowman Building Contest Winners

Sergeant Frostbite required decoys for his upcoming battle with Count Sponkbaber, and with your help he is more than ready to take on the fight! Thank you to the 340 different users who submitted a build for the contest! There was alot to choose from, below are our favorite 16 builds.


These snowmen look ready for battle! Sergeant Frostbite is surely greatful for the commitment these winners put into their designs. Everyone who has won recieved the Shoulder Snowman item! Didn't win? No worries, all who participated recieved the Snowman Bandana item!

Honorable Mentions

Even though the above 16 were the best for Sergeant Frostbite's mission, there were even more great looking ones built by participants that we can't just go without showing off! You can see them below.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest! It was our biggest building contest by participant activity ever! As the new client gets closer to being completed we're excited to see what new ideas and limitations users will push in future building activites!