Hat Design Contest!

Ever wanted to express your creativity? Wanted to wear something unique that was truly yours?

Well, now you have that opportunity with the Brick Hill Hat Design Contest!
With up to three winners, you'll be able to make whatever hat you want, however many submissions, and send them to us! Users will then vote for their favourite hats, and up to three will be made by our asset team!

Anyone that participates will also receive a special item for their efforts.

How do I make my design?

Really, it's your choice! You can draw it out on paper then send us a picture, or use a paint program like GIMP or Paint.NET and send it to us like that. To make it as clear as possible, try and make sure you've included at least a front and side view, and what you might want to call it. You can send us as many designs as you want, so don't hesitate to go wild!

How do I submit my design?

Head over to events@brick-hill.com and either attach the picture(s) to your message, or use a site like https://imgur.com/ to upload your images and send them to us. Make sure to include your Brick Hill username, otherwise we won't know its you.

That's pretty much all there is to it. Good luck, and get creative!